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Tailwind Dark Mode: With or Without Javascript.

3 min read
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If you want respect the users preference of light mode or dark mode, web browsers have you covered with the CSS media query @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark). This allows your page to render in the users prefered theme using CSS. And it works with or without Javascript!

A toggle for users to switch between themes is also a requirement for modern apps. It requires Javascript, but you can use the same media query to default to the users prefered theme.

Where it gets suprisingly difficult is:

  • Respecting users default theme preference
  • A theme toggle
  • AND supporting Javascript disabled users

Tailwinds is a popular framework for working with CSS. It’s very popular and enjoyable to use. Tailwinds has support for defaulting to user preference via media queries, or using a class based approach that allows for a toggle. If you opt for the class based approach, you can use the media query in your Javascript to set the initial theme as they demonstrate in their documentation:

if (localStorage.theme === 'dark' || (!('theme' in localStorage) && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches)) {
} else {

But what is not supported nor not mentioned often is implementing this while also support browsers that have Javascript disabled. This thread goes into some of the reasoning why.

The solution?

In your main css file - for example global.css - use nested media queries like this!

@layer base {
	@media (scripting: none) {
		@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
			:root {
				@apply dark;

This uses the new media query @media (scripting: none) to detect if Javascript is disabled and if so it then queries theme preference. If the preference is for a dark theme, it applies the Tailwind darkmode class to the root. Simple and easy!

In your tailwind.config.mjs set darkMode: 'class'

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
	darkMode: 'class',

Tailwind will throw an error regarding the use of @apply nested within a media query. To resolve this we need to use the following PostCSS plugin:

npm install postcss-import

As well as the built-in tailwindcss/nesting plugin.

In your postcss.config.mjs add the plugins.

export default {
	plugins: {
		'postcss-import': {},
		'tailwindcss/nesting': {},
		tailwindcss: {},
		// other plugins...

An example of a theme toggle script.

<script is:inline>
    const getTheme = () => {
        if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
            const storedTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme');
            if (storedTheme) {
                return storedTheme;
        if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) {
            return 'dark';
        return 'light';
    function applyTheme(toggle = false) {
        let theme = getTheme();
        if (toggle) {
            theme = theme === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark';
        localStorage.setItem('theme', theme);
        if (theme === 'light') {
            if (document.documentElement.classList.contains('dark')) {
        } else {

    const themeToggle = document.getElementById('theme-toggle');
    if (!themeToggle) {
        throw new Error('Theme toggle button not found');
    themeToggle.addEventListener("click", () => applyTheme(true));


You can also disable your theme toggle component using the scripting media query! This removes it from the rendered page if the user has JS disabled.

@media (scripting: none) {
	#theme-toggle {
		display: none;
